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Joint Venture Agreement Cases

As businesses grow, joint ventures have become more popular among entrepreneurs. It is an agreement between two or more companies to combine resources for a specific goal or project. Joint venture agreements can help businesses achieve their objectives by reducing costs, sharing risks, and accessing new markets. However, it is essential to have a watertight joint venture agreement in place to prevent any legal disputes.

In this article, we`ll take a look at some of the joint venture agreement cases that have occurred in recent times.

Case 1: Toshiba and SanDisk

In 2008, Toshiba and SanDisk Corporation entered into a joint venture agreement to develop flash memory chips. The two companies had worked together successfully for several years, and the joint venture was expected to be a great success.

However, in 2015, Toshiba announced that it was selling its shares in the joint venture to Western Digital. SanDisk opposed the sale, claiming that it had the rights to veto any change in ownership. The dispute went to court, and SanDisk won, preventing Toshiba from selling its shares without their consent.

Case 2: Starbucks and Tata Global Beverages

In 2012, Starbucks and Tata Global Beverages formed a joint venture to open Starbucks stores in India. The joint venture was expected to provide customers in India with a unique coffee experience, and it was a significant milestone for both companies.

However, in 2017, Tata Starbucks faced a legal challenge from the National Restaurant Association of India. The association claimed that foreign companies were violating Indian law by operating their own stores instead of partnering with local businesses. The case went to court, and Tata Starbucks was allowed to continue its operations in India.

Case 3: BMW and Brilliance Auto

In 2003, BMW and Chinese automaker Brilliance Auto formed a joint venture to produce luxury cars in China. The joint venture was successful, with BMW selling more cars in China than any other foreign automaker.

However, in 2017, BMW faced a legal challenge when China`s environmental authorities accused the company of selling cars that did not meet emission standards. BMW denied the allegations, but the issue caused damage to the joint venture`s reputation.


Joint ventures can provide an excellent opportunity for businesses to achieve their goals. However, it is crucial to have a well-drafted joint venture agreement in place to prevent any potential disputes. As demonstrated by the cases above, legal disputes can arise at any time and can cause significant financial and reputational damage. Therefore, businesses should seek legal advice to ensure that their joint venture agreements are legally binding and protect their interests.



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